
Including What, Distorts The Effectiveness Of Charting Data Points?

"Ataxia and confusion are not attributes of data - they are shortcomings of pattern." – Edward Tufte

What Is Data Visualization?

Michael Friendly defines information visualization "as information which has been bathetic in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information." In other words, information technology is a coherent manner to visually communicate quantitative content. Depending on its attributes, the data may exist represented in many dissimilar means, such as a line graph, bar chart, pie chart, scatter plot, or map.

It'due south important for graphic designers to attach to information visualization all-time practices and decide the best manner to present a information set up visually. Data visualizations should be useful, visually highly-seasoned and never misleading. Particularly when working with very large data sets, developing a cohesive format is vital to creating visualizations that are both useful and visually appealing.

Displaying data visually makes it easier to understand in this data visualization best practice example
Wall Street Journal data visualization of United states of america unemployment figures. (by WSJ)

Why Utilise Data Visualization

According to IBM, ii.5 quintillion bytes of information are created every twenty-four hour period. The Research Scientist Andrew McAfee and Professor Erik Brynjolfsson of MIT point out that "more than data cross the internet every second than were stored in the unabridged internet just xx years ago."

Equally the earth becomes more and more connected with an increasing number of electronic devices, the volume of data will continue to grow exponentially. IDC predicts at that place volition exist 163 zettabytes (163 trillion gigabytes) of data by 2025.

All of this data is hard for the human brain to comprehend—in fact, it's hard for the human brain to comprehend numbers larger than 5 without drawing some kind of analogy or abstraction. Data visualization designers can play a vital part in creating those abstractions.

Afterwards all, large data is useless if it tin can't be comprehended and consumed in a useful fashion. That's why data visualization plays an important office in everything from economic science to scientific discipline and applied science, to healthcare and human services. Past turning circuitous numbers and other pieces of data into graphs, content becomes easier to empathise and use.

Visual charts are particularly useful in dashboard design

When to Employ It

Since big numbers are so difficult to comprehend in whatsoever meaningful way, and many of the most useful data sets incorporate huge amounts of valuable information, information visualization has become a vital resource for decision-makers. To take advantage of all this data, many businesses see the value of data visualizations in the clear and efficient comprehension of of import information, enabling decision-makers to understand difficult concepts, identify new patterns, and get information-driven insights in gild to make better decisions.

It is worth spending resources on information visualization blueprint solutions. Agreement large data sets is necessary for making an informed conclusion—whether information technology be in business, technology, science, or another field. Articulate visualizations make complex data easier to grasp, and therefore easier to take activeness on.

Consumer apps data visualization best practices


Define a Clear Purpose

Data visualization should answer vital strategic questions, provide real value, and help solve real problems. It can be used to rails performance, monitor customer behavior, and measure out effectiveness of processes, for case. Taking time at the kickoff of a data visualization projection to clearly define the purpose and priorities volition make the cease outcome more useful and prevent wasting time creating visuals that are unnecessary.

Know the Audience

A data visualization is useless if not designed to communicate clearly with the target audience. Information technology should be compatible with the audience's expertise and allow viewers to view and process data easily and chop-chop. Take into account how familiar the audience is with the bones principles being presented by the data, as well equally whether they're likely to accept a background in Stem fields, where charts and graphs are more likely to be viewed on a regular basis.

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Use Visual Features to Evidence the Information Properly

There are and then many unlike types of charts. Deciding what type is all-time for visualizing the data being presented is an fine art unto itself. The correct chart will non merely make the data easier to sympathize, just also present it in the most authentic light. To make the right choice, consider what blazon of data yous need to convey, and to whom it is being conveyed.

Line Charts: Line charts should be used to compare values over fourth dimension, and are splendid for displaying both large and small changes. They can as well exist used to compare changes to more than one group of information.

Line charts are an example of good data visualization techniques
(Source: <a href="

Bar Charts: Bar charts should be used to compare quantitative information from several categories. They can be used to runway changes over fourth dimension also, but are all-time used just when those changes are significant.

Bar charts are a good way to present certain data visually
(Source: Our Globe in Data)

Scatter Plots: Besprinkle plots should be used to brandish values for ii variables for a set of data. They're fantabulous for exploring the relationships betwixt the two sets.

Scatter chart data visualization best practices
(Source: Our Globe in Data)

Pie Charts: Pie charts should exist used to show parts of a whole. They can't display things like changes over fourth dimension.

Pie charts are great for data visualization design.

Proceed It Organized and Coherent

Coherence is specially important when compiling a big information set into a visualization. A coherent design will effectively fade into the groundwork, enabling users to easily procedure information. The best visualizations help viewers reach conclusions about the data being presented without being "in-your-face" or otherwise drawing attention to themselves. They simply bear witness the data in the best possible style.

Creating a hierarchy of data shows the various information points in a relevant way for decision makers. You lot can sort highest to lowest to emphasize the largest values or display a category that is more important to users in a prominent manner.

Even the order in which data is displayed, the colors used (such as brighter colors for the about important points, or gray for baseline information), and the size of various elements of a chart (like expanding certain slices of a pie chart beyond the nautical chart's regular border) can assist users interpret information more easily. Beware of creating bias where there should be none when using these techniques.

Interactive data visualization best practices
Interactive data visualizations are as well an excellent way to help people translate information.

Make Data Visualization Inclusive

Color is used extensively as a way to stand for and differentiate information. According to a recent study conducted by Salesforce, it is also a key factor in user decisions.

They analyzed how people responded to different color combinations used in charts, assuming that they would have stronger preferences for palettes that had subtle color variations since it would be more aesthetically appealing.

Still, they found that while appealing, subtle palettes made the charts more hard to analyze and gain insights. That entirely defeats the purpose of creating a visualization to brandish information.

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If charts with like colors—and less contrast—are difficult to read for the average person, they are even more difficult for people that don't take perfect vision—and they represent a significant role of the population. According to WHO, an estimated 253 one thousand thousand people live with vision impairment.

Fortunately, there are tools available to check how an image volition be visualized by people with these impairments, like the color blindness proofing in Photoshop and Illustrator. Other things like using sufficiently large font sizes and adequate contrast between type and the background are besides helpful.

If the simulation tools reveal problems with the color palette, there are techniques that tin improve the graph readability:

  • Utilise colors that take high contrast.
  • Complement the use of color with pattern or texture to convey dissimilar types of information.
  • Apply text or icons to label elements.
A great example of good color combinations in data visualization
Fifty-fifty when a information visualization uses a scale model, it's possible to use sufficient color contrast between each stride. The interactive version of this graphic includes labels when users hover over each country. (Source: Our World in Information)

The font option can touch the legibility of text, enhancing or detracting from the intended significant. Considering of this, information technology'southward improve to avoid display fonts and stick to more basic serif or sans serif typefaces.

Make sure the data visualization has a legible font size for its medium. Corking Magazine suggests "16 pixels should more often than not exist the minimum size for torso copy in modern web blueprint."

Don't Distort the Data

A keen information visualization should tell the story clearly, avoiding distortions. Avoid the use of visual representations that don't accurately represent the data set, like pie charts in 3D.

Bad data visualization design
3D pie charts like this brand it hard to actually visualize the proportions of each slice. (past PSDgraphics)

Data visualizations can atomic number 82 viewers to sure conclusions without distorting the data itself. This can be particularly useful in designing things like infographics for public consumption, commonly created to support a specific conclusion rather than to just mostly convey data. Things similar color choices and calling out specific information points can be used to this end without creating graphics that are misleading (which could potentially telephone call a designer'due south brownie into question).

Examples of Bad Information Visualizations

An example of bad data visualization design
Not starting the Y-centrality at zero can make data appear to have larger gains than are actually present. This makes the visualization misleading and doesn't clarify the information existence presented.

A misleading data visualization example
Another example of a chart that doesn't start the Y-axis at zero, skewing the mode results are shown.

An example of a bad color and scale combination in bad data visualization
This bar nautical chart from a major make is misleading in scale because there is no Y-centrality. Even though in that location is only a slight difference of less than ane%, the outsized bluish bar is magnified out of proportion.

A misleading data visualization example of a 70% increase in battery life
When Apple tried to illustrate that the New iPad battery had seventy% longer battery life, they increased the superlative by lxx% but also the overall scale, making the battery announced significantly larger than the previous iPad'south battery. (via Gizmodo)

Examples of Practiced Data Visualizations

Good color combinations include sufficient color contrast in this data visualization
A bar chart like this is a fantastic mode to display differences betwixt datasets, though heightened color contrast would make this image more than accessible to visually impaired users. (past FiftyThirtyTwenty)

Presenting data visually can make dashboards easier to understand
This sales dashboard uses a couple of different visualization formats to present relevant information in piece of cake-to-sympathize formats that make sense with merely a glance. Data is also well-labeled, further clarifying things. (past Bagus Fikri)

A dashboard example of good data visualization
Combining clean, uncluttered design with easy-to-translate data visualization with simple charts makes for great UX. (by Miklos Philips)

Google's Audience Insights does a good chore with its interactive data analytics suite making the data easily understood.


Skilful data visualization should communicate a data prepare clearly and effectively by using graphics. The all-time visualizations make it easy to comprehend data at a glance. They take circuitous data and pause it down in a fashion that makes it elementary for the target audience to understand and on which to base their decisions.

Every bit Edward R. Tufte pointed out, "the essential test of blueprint is how well it assists the understanding of the content, non how stylish it is." Data visualizations, especially, should adhere to this thought. The goal is to enhance the data through blueprint, not describe attention to the design itself.

Keeping these data visualization all-time practices in mind simplifies the process of designing infographics that are genuinely useful to their audience.


Further reading:

  • Get Inspired with These Data Visualisations
  • Upgrade Your Analytics with These Dashboard Design Inspirations
  • Dashboard Design - Considerations and Best Practices
  • Presentation Design and the Art of Visual Storytelling
  • The Importance of Man-Centered Design in Product Pattern
  • The Best UX Designer Portfolios – Inspiring Case Studies and Examples

Including What, Distorts The Effectiveness Of Charting Data Points?,


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